Sunday, March 1, 2009

Trendy People

You know the Prius/Honda/VW driving douchebags with the Obama, Vintage Vinyl, and Stop War bumper stickers. The ones always caught up on what's cool and always try to make the littlest things into big deal to the point they act like they're doing something incredibly exclusive. And you better believe they are going home to update their myspace/facebook statuses on their MACBOOK and would not be caught dead on a PC. I don't understand why these people feel the need to make themselves into a bigger deal than they actually are, but if you feel the need to try and make yourself into a big deal... you probably aren't. I don't care if you're friends with this band or that band, and find it comical tha people feel the need to let you know they're friends with them, especially when they're a local band, or just plain shitty (but we'll save that for a different rant). Basically what I'm saying is, why do these trendy dirtballs feel the need to keep up on the hottest tnew trends and try to make themselves feel exclusive as fuck? I don't know, I really don't.

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